Windrow composting is a very well established technology for dealing with food & kitchen waste, agricultural & green wastes, and also Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). The material is shredded and then piled in elongated rows (windrows) and aerated through either turning of the windrows or by forcing air through the material. Windrow composting may take place in buildings or externally.
-Long, narrow piles agitated/turned regularly.
-Aeration by natural/passive air movement.
-Better suited to larger volumes.
-Composting time: 3 - 6 Months.
Mobile equipment is needed.
-Windrow Turner
·self-propelled compost turner
-Rotary Screener
Manual labor costs excessive without equipment.
Composting is a process involving biological decomposition of organic matter conducted under aerobically controlled conditions where both the humidity and temperature are regulated, producing a stable product called organic compost or fertilizer.
Aerated windrow composting involves long rows of compost that range from 14-16 feet wide and 4-8 feet tall. The piles are turned periodically to ensure adequate oxygen flow to the pile. This method of composting is suitable for large volumes of organic waste from communities and food processing businesses and can even handle grease and animal byproducts. Aerated windrow composting does require a large amount of land and the leachate produced does have the possibility to contaminate surface and ground water, but with proper infrastructure both of those concerns are easily handled.
Composting is the process of transforming organic waste into humus, a critical component of healthy, fertile soil. In rural areas, this can be accomplished by periodically turning large piles, or windrows, of organic waste over themselves using specialized equipment, such as compost turner. In more urban areas, Aerated Static Pile (ASP) composting is generally preferred, where piles can be covered and mechanically aerated in order to minimize the site’s footprint and odors.