Our EFB composting system offers an effective solution to the oil palm industry's problem of waste disposal. The palm oil waste composting system utilizes 100% POME and EFB and uses a technically advanced method of converting waste matters into compost. Part of the process involve EFB shredding using a high speed hammer mill and then stacked into windrows of 1.5 meter high by 45 meter length in an open field. POME with BOD levels less than 10,000 ppm is then pumped from the pond and sprayed onto these windrows at a specified rate at 3 days intervals. The windrows are turned regularly using a windrow turner for better mixing and aeration. Composting accelerates are sprayed once at the start of the process to accelerate the composting process. Throughout the composting process, the windrows are covered by an air-permeable covering to avoid drenching by heavy rain and to prevent leaching of nutrients. The covering is crucial for the control of temperature and moisture content, two key factors that affect the speed of composting and quality if the end product. The compost is mature after 70 days and is ready for use. The compost, when used in sufficient quantity, is capable of replacing 66% of chemical fertilizers.
In the middle of farms and fields, south of Bakersfield CA, in the
small town of Lamont CA is one of the largest composting facilities in
the United States. Driving from downtown LA, it took me 2.5 hours to
make it out to the facility. Just like the surrounding farms, this
facility has rows and rows of crops – except this crop is compost.
Specifically, windrow composting – where heaps of organic waste,
organized into rows, sits for 4 months as it slowly turns into compost.
Windrow composting involves a few major steps: Collection, Feedstock
Preparation, Windrow Processing and, Screening.
Before material even makes it to Lamont, it must be collected. It sounds
simple but complexities exist. Material originates not only from the
bin placed out at the curb in residential neighborhoods but from several
different sources and even that bin can be complex. Some residential
bins collect yard waste only while some collect yard waste & food
scraps. The composition or profile of the waste varies differently when
food scraps are added and changes depending on neighborhood.
Additionally, most of the waste comes from commercial and farm sources –
again with its own profile. All these sources arrive at the Lamont
facility via different pathways. Residential and some commercial
material is received at Recology’s Sun Valley MRF. Other commercial and
farm wastes arrive directly at the Lamont facility from various sources
(other MRFs, farmers truck it in themselves, etc.) Early morning collection in East Los AngelesFeedstock Preparation:
Successful composting starts with the Carbon to Nitrogen (C:N ratio) of
the feedstock. Yard trimmings have a high ratio and food waste has a
low ratio. Mixing brings the ratio within the ideal C:N ratio of
20-40:1. The Sun Valley MRF mixes the collected feedstock to be
composted at Lamont. see more information on COMPOSTABLE MATERIALS AROUND US
Windrow Processing:
The Lamont facility is the largest permitted composting facility west
of the Mississippi. Every day, 150 tractor-trailers unload tons of
organics. The logistics behind such a large scale operation can seem
harrowing but the standard in large scale composting is to form windrows
– long rows of material dumped out of the back of the tractor trailer
and left in the field. Composting starts where the materials lies! Several truckloads make a completed windrow which can be a couple
hundred feet long. Once unloaded, the material must be covered with dirt
to contain any gasses. And the windrow must be watered – with an ideal
moisture content between 40-60%. The Lamont facility uses gray, filtered
but untreated water from the Lamont wastewater plant. In addition to
adding moisture, the water serves to further reduce the C:N ratio. Initially, the row is a lumpy mess but the material must be turned to
aerate the material. Aeration occurs every 3 days during the first 15
days, with a reduction in frequency after the first 15 days. To aerate, a
giant windrow turner straddles a row and churns the material as it
drives over the row. As the turner passes, the row is processed into a
neat pile. The entire composting process takes about 120 days. Throughout the
process, the temperature is measured o ensure pathogens are destroyed
and the compost is safe to use. Temperature is also a key insight into
how the composting process is performing. With windrow composting, the long processing time of 120 days
requires large amounts of land. In vessel composting is a popular
alternative in space constrained areas as it requires less space and
completes the process in a shorter amount of time with greater control
of environment for more precise conditions for composting.
Screening: At
the end, most of the material will have processed into very small
particles. But, plastic bags, nails, large pieces of wood which didn’t
fully decompose will have to be removed. Material is loaded into a
hopper which screens out particles larger than about 4 inches. Then the
material is moved through a large rotating cylindrical tube with many
holes on an incline – called a trommel screen. Properly sized material
slips through the holes while oversized material continues to travel up
the trommel, ending in the overs bin. The overs are sent to landfill.
Prime material undergoes further screening: a magnet is passed over the
material to capture ferrous metals (mostly nails left in trees) and a
stream of air is passed through the material and into a vacuum to
capture any plastic film material. Prime compost is sold to surround
area farms. Screening at Blossom Valley (trommel screen is seen in bottom center of the equipment)
I initially thought compost was equivalent to dirt but the
classification is different. Compost is a soil amendment and is able to
provide nutrients and microbes which have been depleted during
traditional farming techniques. It also absorbs and retains much more
liquid than just soil alone. This is great for drought stricken areas
like the Central Valley, where the facility is located. The tour gave me
a much greater appreciation of what is involved in processing our
organics. The system is much more complex than people initially assume.
Organic fertilizer granulator is in round configuration to make cylindrical particles a rolling ball, no return, high rate of ball granule, good strength, beautiful and applicable, and hence the machine becomes the ideal equipment of globular particles in organic fertilizer (biological). India is a large agricultural nation, there is lots of organic fertilizer, and many villagers do not know how the rational use of fertilizers, resulting in a lot of waste. So the demand for granulators is big.
We are all know the modern organic fertilizer is produced by organic fertilizer equipment, the organic fertilizer production has been mechanized, large-scale, integrated processing, below we went into the production process of organic fertilizer equipment.
The way of traditional organic fertilizer pelletizing is mainly through the disc for molding. Disc Pelletizer through high speed revolves result the raw materials rolling in balls. On the process of the molding, you need add some water to increase the rate of shaping. So the organic fertilizer pellets would be a little more loose, not hard, easy to broken and out of shape,
This would bring some unnecessary risks on product organic fertilizer.
The organic fertilizer production according to the organic fertilizer functional effects decision, workers then first a variety of raw materials required pulverized into a certain degree of fineness of organic materials, in accordance with Formulation in a blender Hunban, in this process, the key step is proportion to add a 'bio-fermentation agents, Hunban into the fermentation tank, so the area is very small, deep pool aerobic fermentation, the fermentation process without manual saves fermentation costs due to full mechanization production, fermentation so evenly, no dead ends, from the process to ensure product quality organic fertilizer. After one night, the raw material input temperature soon rose up, up to 70 degrees, this time, the staff start turning throwing equipment, at the same time open the blast equipment, to be turned toss after the end of the pond is already fermented finished, new raw materials into the fermentation tank, and so the cycle.
Organic fertilizer granulator equipment to show the production process, to understand and know how it carried out the production of organic fertilizer, it helps to fully play its fertilising application of organic manure.